Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

Sara put this Add in the paper for me!

Ice Cream Cake!

I did get very spolied on monday, thanks to all that came out!

The Weekly Pictures Continue!

Hey all, with just 4 more weeks until Sara is due, there are only really 4 more pictures to take! Keep checking the Blog Entry Below for the new pictures arriving weekly.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Keeping Us Guessing...

We went in for another doctor's appointment today, and this crazy baby has moved again.  The doctor couldn't tell exactly where her head was, but could tell that it was NOT down.  We're going in again next Thursday (March 5th), and if she's still not head down, they will try to move her.  If it's successful, we're good to go.  If not, we'll be picking a birthday!

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Problem Child

Matt and I went in for our doctor's appointment last Thursday, and were told that our baby on the way was breech.  She scheduled an ultrasound for me on Monday morning at 8am... which means that I had to be up at 6-something to make sure I drank water.  I realize that's not early for some of you, but I'm loving my sleep these days!

In we go for our ultrasound.

The crazy girl was breech on Thursday, and head down yesterday.  She's moved around a lot since, so who knows what she is today!  My next doctor's appointment is on Monday, and if she can feel that she's breech again, she'll try and turn her... fun times.  If she IS breech again, I'll probably be hearing more about karma from Amy, who has made up stories about what kind of a kid I was when she met me.  All lies. 

It was fun to see a more up to date picture of our daughter!  She is also apparently measuring big for how far along I am, so she's probably got Matt's genes for height.  Maybe she'll come early??  Here's a profile of her face.

We'll let you know if things have changed again by Monday!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Counting the Weeks

Matt has been very diligent in trapping me for a picture every week. Here are the weekly pictures up until this point...

Week 27

Week 28

Week 29

Week 30

Week 31

Week 32

Week 33

Week 34

Week 35

Week 36 - 4 more to go!

Week 37 THREE......(more)

Week 38

Week 39 only one more!

Week 40! Born 4 days later!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Starting the Story

Well, since everyone else is doing it, we figured we better get started! We'll try and keep the story going on here for all you family and friends.

Matt & Sara