As Amy said tonight, "What? You have a blog?". We know, we know... so here is a long overdue post of new pictures.
We decided to drive to Calgary to visit friends and family a few weekends ago. We thought we would go BEFORE it snowed. We got there just in time for Bella's FIRST snow. I was freezing, but she didn't seem to mind!

Outside of Dave and Jey's place.

Love these girls.
Bella's two front bottom teeth came in last month, and it looks like she's working on the top ones now. As a result, there was about a week or two where she sucked on her upper gums. Here are a few of the faces we caught her making, hahaha!

Fish face.

Under bite.

No upper lip.

Such cute little feet.
Bella has a fun time throwing ALL of her toys off of her excersaucer. We put them all on there, and see how long it takes her to throw them off. As you can see, one of her favorite toys is an empty ginger ale bottle... go figure. So now she throws them off, leans over and watches them roll or skid away.

mid throw

Looking.... looking....

Aww, how do you say no to that face?

Reading together... kind of.

Eating her cereal and sweet potatoes. She can do it herself, thank you very much! I wonder who she got that from...

Just because we know WE'RE the ones you REALLY want to see

Izzy LOVES her jolly jumper. We're convinced she's going to be a little dancer. Put her in here and give her some tunes and she goes at it! Here's a midair heel-clicker shot. See the look of intense concentration? haha.

Having a drink after a hard day at play. Thanks for the water bottle Omi!

Nose grabs

Big smiles

Play time with mummy.

One of her favorite chew toys... my necklaces.