Its not everyday that you get asked "hey do you want to go burn a piano" So I took the opportunity to shoot some promo photos with the same photographer who did our "trash the dress" photos. This shoot was for a musician, i just went for fun!
I'll post more of these on my www.lundephoto.com site soon.
Bella getting her first taste of pudding! Most of our treats and dessert are fruit, so this was pretty exciting!
Sugar high!
She picks out what she wears, down to her "accessories"
I think that's peanut butter....
Skipping stones!
Enjoying the view at Kal park
Looking forward to walks like these withOUT jackets
If you look closely, Bella is wearing a dress, a shirt, a second dress, AND Mummy's pink shoes. Who says we only get to wear one outfit??
Funny faces! Bella loves taking pictures and then looking at them all... over and over
Vegas! We found a last minute deal and went with our neighbours for a weekend. A lot of fun! But we sure missed Bella, who stayed with Omi and Opa.
Outside of... Caesar's Palace... I think
Bella turns TWO!
We had a big party and there were over 15 kids, with at least one parent each. It was a FULL house, and a ton of fun!
Bella was pretty excited to wear this dress that Uncle Ted & Aunt Marilyn brought back for her from Mexico. It was her "princess dress"
Bella showing off her beautiful new jewelry!
Rocking her guitar in her kitchen
Putting her food away! Bella got this kitchen for her birthday