Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Amy's Blogoversary

For those of you out there who have yet to have the privilege of reading my sister-in-law Amy's blog... now is your chance!!! Just a warning though - if you start reading it you'll be hooked. And what better time to start than now! Amy is celebrating her BLOGOVERSARY! And to celebrate, she's having a giveaway. The prize is a choice between a book on how to get out of debt, or a dvd of the 30 Day Shred workout. Check it out! BUT, you better not win instead of me... :)


  1. Sae- A link would be great!
    p.s. I will post this on my blog as well!

  2. You KNOW I'm going to love a post about me! But I would've loved it MORE if there'd been a picture or two of my sweet niece!

    Here's the link to my blog for anyone interested:

    muddy boots blog
    muddy boots blog

  3. K, the second on is the link. Sorry.
