Thursday, July 9, 2009

Exciting News on the Lunde Home front!

Well, WE think it's exciting - Isabella is rolling! And rolling. Every time we've put her on her stomach we've made a point of rolling her so that she gets used to the feel of it. Not sure if that made any difference, but we sure felt like old pros doing it. On Monday, Bella decided she was going to do it on her own (which is funny, because she really doesn't like being on her stomach). We sat there watching her (REALLY wanting to help) strain for 30-45 minutes, and then suddenly she had it! She rolled from her back onto her stomach, and then right back again! It was funny to watch her, so started kicking and smiling really big and was incredibly proud of herself (we're pretty proud too). Ever since then she keeps rolling back and forth any time she's left to fend for herself. She's also started doing circles in bed during the night, and ends up having her head where her feet were when we go in to get her in the morning. More pictures coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. how funny! that is awesome! Way to go parental units!!!
