Christmas seems to have snuck up on us this year. With our trip to California, and the surprising lack of snow (but no lack of cold temperatures) I still felt like I had a lot of time to get things together. Then Amy mentioned in her blog that we only had 9 more sleeps... WHAT! Needless to say, I did some shopping on the 23rd, and we relied on Matt's parents for the Christmas baking... I'll plan better next year! On Christmas day we had breakfast and opened presents as a family, and then headed over to Matt's parents to do gifts with the rest of the family in Vernon. Here are some pictures of our last few weeks!

Bella helping Daddy water the plants
She LOVES oranges. LOVES them.
Bella loved ripping the wrapping paper. I had flashbacks of Liam on his first Christmas! :)
Reading a book from Nana and Papa (I love her Christmas present pjs)
Opening a book of a whole bunch of Jan Brett stories. I might have to keep these for myself...
You can't get any cuter than this
Reading a book from Toby and Asher
Thank you David and Kristi!!
Matt opening his stocking
Cruising around Omi and Opa's
Petting the HUGE dog. Bella loves dogs!

Helping Daddy play with one of his Christmas presents
Bella LOVES to dance, and does her moves every time music comes on!
Bella booking it across the room... yes, it's sideways, sorry
Jump Jump Soccer!