When mom and dad came through for the night last month, Amy sent along a little surprise for Bella with them... 4 REALLY cute dresses/outfits! I promised her a fashion show, so here it is (she's only worn 3 of the 4, so the last one will have to wait for the next post), with a few other random pictures.

Bella loves seeing slideshows of pictures (especially of her and us) on the computer.
Cute dress #1 from Amy! Love these colors on her! Here she is playing at her table
Spying on the neighborhood.
She thought this flower (from the chives right behind her) would taste good... guess not.
Cute dress #2! Slides with Daddy!
Bella doing a little dance!

Watching the bigger kids play.
Cute dress #3! She's helping weeding.
Pointing... always pointing.

She loves doing this - putting our shoes on and trying to walk in them.
Playing in the sprinkler.

Sneaking into Mayah's playhouse