Thursday, June 3, 2010

Its june already???

Well we've had some excitement around here the last couple weeks that's for sure! For the long weekend we went out to my aunt and uncles house in Silverton to meet up with the family there. My cousins Steve, Ajay and his wife Janet were out there, and they have a 6 year old (Ryder) and a l month older than Bella Girl (Jersey). So of course Isabella had a ton of fun, oh and there were 3 dogs she got to play with as well. Definitely a great time!

Our little Family


more rocks!

Jersey and Bella (Bellz stole that box of raisins from Jersey and wouldn't let go for 2 hours)

Bella loves this bunny, but actually.

Playing with the blocks! Delores was there as well!

Ryder was blowing bubbles for Bella, she almost ate this one!

Playing on a trike, although she thought it would be a good idea to stand on it. (I thought that was a pretty cool idea too)

Bath time!


Sara shot this photo off our front deck! Full Rainbow, she took more pictures that actually have a double rainbow in them.

It POURED one day, and Bella stood at the doors screaming to go outside and play in it. When the rain finally slowed down enough to be a drizzle, we let her go out on the deck where she squealed and twirled and danced in the rain.


  1. Cute update! I love that Toby has a cousin with red hair. They will always have that bond. :) Toby also likes rocks and has been begging us to get him a dog. Cora is an easy baby, but I still don't think I can add a dog to my responsibilities right now!

  2. Love the pictures and love that you let her go out and twirl in the of my favorites. There is nothing like being outside in warm rain (not to be mistaken with constant cold cloudy rain like in WA). You guys look great! Can't wait until you come down to SC for a family reunion. :) Bella...the rain is warm here and so are the puddles.

  3. Love the new family picture!!!! Hope you have been having more sun than we are. I think we broke all kinds if records for rain and it is going to be 80 degrees with sun today!!!!! Bella would have to do lots of rain dances here. Have fun with Craig and Mora, I know they are looking forward to being with you. The little girls are so cute together! Love, A. Dianne

  4. Ok that last video was hilarious!!! haha!!
    her hair is getting light-oh no! Stay red little lady!!!!
    Love the "by the bathtub" picture, that is classic!
    Oh and GREAT Long-term use of that super short dress! hahaha!
