Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Halloween to Christmas

Wow.... I can't believe it's been THREE MONTHS since our last blog post... We've gotten lazy! Life here has been busy and full of excitement - especially when we get the chance to experience everything with Bella. She is so full of energy, and loves learning. She loves to talk, and is in full swing of the "I'll do it!" phase. Below are some pictures from our last 3ish months, starting with Halloween.

Bella in her giraffe costume, picking up leaves for Bruce after stuffing who knows how many candies into her mouth.

Bella chewing on her fake teeth

Family shot

Christmas cards!

Heading to the park

Playing in the snow


Not exactly what those drum sticks were made for...

Sitting with Santa


  1. Great pictures!!! Love the Halloween costume (giraffes are my favorite!) and how stink'n cute she looks in all those hats. Loved getting to see you guys and we are still in withdrawal.

  2. Thank you SO Much for the new pictures!!!! I do not think I have ever seen a cuter giraffe!!!! Looks like you are having fun with your little girl and she is possibly as adorable as her mama was at that age!!!! Lots of Hugs, A. Dianne

  3. FINALLY!!!! <3 the pics!!! Heather
