Thursday, February 25, 2010

Toilet Humor

Bella seems to have a thing for bathrooms. She likes drumming on the toilet lids, and hitting the flap of the garbage can lid so it swings back and forth. Like Andrew did, she loves unrolling the toilet paper. Recently she has discovered the toilet bowl brush, and the plunger in the guest bathroom. We've done well at never letting her get too close. One time she managed to grab the handle of the plunger, and then we had her. She KNOWS she's not supposed to touch them.

Fast-forward to tonight... Bella and I were playing in her room, and she decided to go for a walk with one of her books. She PRETENDED like she was going towards the kitchen. I walked out of her room and started to lead the way. I happened to glance back at her, and she was standing there watching me. All of a sudden she smiled, dropped her book and literally RAN to the bathroom!! I don't think I've ever seen her move that fast! I had only been about 5 feet in front of her, and she had made it to the plunger by the time I grabbed her!! She's only 11 months (this weekend). I think we're in trouble with this one! I'm pretty sure we're done with "redirecting" her, and we're going to just lock them under the sink.

I wonder what she'll discover next...


  1. I never blogged about how, at my mom's house over Christmas, I found Andrew happily splashing/stirring/banging away in the downstairs toilet with the toilet brush (*gag!*) WITH THE CELL PHONE OF ONE OF HER HOMESTAY STUDENTS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BOWL. Seriously. I was mortified to have to tell her that he'd thrown her likely expensive phone in the toilet. We tried to save it, but it was dead. Drowned. A sad day.

  2. P.S. "Re-directing" is highly over rated. Being proactive is much easier, especially when dealing with toilets and toddlers.

  3. This is so hysterical!!!! Doesn't it make you wonder what it is about toilets and brushes? Do they watch modeling and think it is fun to try what they see the adults doing? Maybe it is the tornado of when you flush!!! Keep those large brushes handy--so they do not tornado down the drain -- :) (and cell phones up high) Love and hugs, A. Dianne

  4. That is the most fantastic thing I have ever heard!!!! Sounds like you need to get your running shoes on and buy a bunch of locks. lol
    Can't wait to hear what she flushes down the toilet first. :)

  5. Oh...she is a fast one! I would LOVED to know what was going through her mind when she smiled at you and then took off running! Yes...there is something about toilets, water and toddlers...very attractive. Great story and memory! I is the way to go...I don't remember re-direction working at all!! Love, Mom
