Friday, April 2, 2010

Bellas 1st Birthday!

Hey all, well I know its been almost a week since Isabella's 1st Birthday and you have all been waiting patiently for pictures, so without anymore delay. Enjoy!

Fridays = Daddy Daughter Days! Thanks to Sherah for the wonderful hat!

So we went to see some mini horses across the highway from where we live!

and we played in our street!

Spaghetti Face

Some Decorating

Sara's masterpieces. They were all delicious!

The start of Bella's B-day Partay!

First taste of Icing

Yep, whats not to love.

and love...

Keep loving...

And wash it all down.

Oh wait more!

...and more!

Presents Time! Silas dressed up as Max from where the wild things are.


Cool girl in her new sunnys.

Happy Easter!


  1. GREAT pictures!! Looks like she REALLY enjoyed her party and especially her cupcakes! FUN! Those Fridays with Daddy look like they are very special days too. Can't wait to see her and play with her again! Love, Mom/Nana

  2. Too Cute!!! I love it all, especially the bunny ears! Did my give ever make it up there?!!!!

  3. Happy Easter!!! Happy Birthday, Bella!!!!!! You managed to capture some adorable expressions and looks like her cupcakes were pretty tasty!!!! The bunny ears are hysterical!!!! Love, A. Dianne

  4. Love the hat. And the tutu.

    (and the shoes!)

  5. I am loving Bella's hair - it is longer then when you guys are here and the red is just beautiful!
