Monday, June 14, 2010

For Amy....well mostly.

When mom and dad came through for the night last month, Amy sent along a little surprise for Bella with them... 4 REALLY cute dresses/outfits! I promised her a fashion show, so here it is (she's only worn 3 of the 4, so the last one will have to wait for the next post), with a few other random pictures.

Bella loves seeing slideshows of pictures (especially of her and us) on the computer.

Cute dress #1 from Amy! Love these colors on her! Here she is playing at her table

Dancing! What else?


She's a natural poser!

Spying on the neighborhood.

She thought this flower (from the chives right behind her) would taste good... guess not.

Cute dress #2! Slides with Daddy!

Thinking about climbing.


Bella doing a little dance!
Watching the bigger kids play.

Cute dress #3! She's helping weeding.

Pointing... always pointing.

She loves doing this - putting our shoes on and trying to walk in them.

Playing in the sprinkler.

Sneaking into Mayah's playhouse


  1. Ok that is the best present I think I have ever bought anyone! I think I am going to have to make that my token 1st birthday gift to everyone I know now! I am so glad that she loves running in the sprinkler, that used to be my favorite thing to do! Now I think I would do it, just with a Margarita in hand...or maybe I would take to the kiddie pool...hmmm novel IS getting hot down here...I think my patio could fit that...want to come over this summer? haha!!!!
    Love you all!!

  2. Do I know how to shop or what?? Not bad for all of $8 (for ALL FOUR!). She's super cute in all three! I can't wait to see the red hibiscus one with her big eyes and red hair!

    (p.s. I need a girl to shop for!!)

  3. Amy, you did so good with those dresses! Love them. She is just the cutest thing ever!

  4. She is getting so big!! Are we going to see you anytime soon? Coming to see Meg's baby? Miss you!! Love and kisses!! Heather

  5. Great choices on dresses and prices!!! From an auntie who does not have a little girl-you sure know how to pick the colors and frills, Amy. Bella is so cute in all of them and I also love the picture of her walking in the birkies--it is amazing she can maneuver them. Sara and Matt, you do manage to get adorable pictures!!!! Love, A. Dianne

  6. I'm okay with her walking in Matt's shoes as long as she doesn't wear socks too!


  7. Love all the sweet pictures! :)
