Bella has had a lot of fun this week! We went for a walk up at Predator Ridge where she got to pick up pinecones. Matt took her across the street to feed miniature horses (pictures to come!). She has learned to LOVE eating with a fork. She got three new teeth this week too!
I went back to work this week, so this was also Bella's first week going to daycare. She goes there three days a week, spends Thursdays with Aileen (Omi) and Fridays with her Daddy. She's had a great time at daycare where she has a whole new room of toys and friends to play with. I miss seeing her all the time though!
Like Andrew Bundy, Bella is a FIERCE hugger, which we love. She dances... all the time. She loves being in on the joke, and if someone else is laughing, she is too (the fakest most forced laugh you'll ever hear, it's hilarious). She is great at kicking her little stuffed soccer ball around the house, and we're convinced she's going to be the next female Maradona. She is such a happy, smily beautiful TODDLER/RUNNER, and we just can't get or share enough of her. Sooo, here are a few more pictures, and a video. :)

Getting down to feel the grass (that building in the back is where she goes to kindermusik classes, where she gets to dance, shake things, and hit drums... it doesn't get any better than that)
OOOhhh, another one!