This week has been an adventure and a lot of "firsts" for Isabella. She had her first Easter, BBQ, hike, open mic night at a local coffee shop, poker night... she ALSO had her first blow out diaper... make that 3 of them. Those were 3 we could have waited a little longer to experience! She's been doing great, sleeping about 5 hours at night, which means more sleep for us too. She is already getting so strong, holding her head up for a while at a time, trying to push herself up with her arms when she's having tummy time. She's rolling from her back onto her sides, and as you'll see from the video below, she's trying her hardest to roll from her stomach back onto her back! She's a mover. Give her a few minutes and she'll have moved herself around 45 degrees. We're already starting to get nervous about what she'll be like when she learns to crawl...
A few months ago we spent hours cutting out the letters of the alphabet and painting each of them for Bella's bedroom wall. We finally got around to putting them up yesterday, and there are some pictures of her room below!
Isabella's next doctor's appointment is tomorrow afternoon, and we're curious to see how much weight she's gained... she's feeling heavier, and she's out of the newborn diapers and into the next size up!

"Daddy would you quit it with the flash already!"

Bella and Mummy on top of the world.

"Mrs Boss, its time for me to go on my walkabout"

Daddy and Mummy, above Kal lake.

-Bella's Room-Shelf and Crib Wall

-Bella's Room-Bella's already got these ABC's memorized, well in her memories anyways.

The man we owe for Bella's Bed these days! Thanks Bruce!

25 Years or so ago! Sara with the Cradle for her Dolls. Thanks Dad!

Look Dad! Little girls grown up, but The Cradle Stays the Same, and the toys just get to be a little more of an investment.

Bella loving bathtime, but the hairdryer more.

That's Right Girls, Eat your heart out at those eyelashes!