Sunday, April 12, 2009

the weeks go by, well 2 anyways.

Well, 2 weeks has already passed, and I've been like "Stop growing already Bella!" With packing on about 1/2 a pound a week she will surpass the newborn diapers pretty quick. She has had a lot of fun already, including going to a Birthday Party last night and Never Ending amount of visitors which has just been awesome! (hopefully she'll continue to be a social butterfly)

First Bath! She doesnt seem to mind these one bit!
Auties Heather and Shauna helping out.

Swing time, thanks uncle Ray!

The whole Fam

This is what Bella's Parents look like when they are relaxing their faces... apparently she's the only normal one...


Soft Carpet

"Mummy, I like my new Easter Dress!"

Autie Brit, visiting from Calgary.

A#1 Grandpa, thanks for the Shirt Grandma Bundy!

Fluffy Easter Dress

Uncle Steve, Bella likes his blues piano playing!


  1. Your house is such a mess!

    (just kidding)

    What a sweet, sweet little dress. Ah, for little girly things...

  2. What can I say? She is BEAUTIFUL!

  3. That last picture is my favorite of the bunch! I love how she is just staring at him, totally enamored! Watch out Matt she already loves the men!!!!
